Modafinil Dosage, Benefits and Side Effects | Nootropics

Modafinil is a eugeroic drug, primarily prescribed for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), and narcolepsy. We will analyse Modafinil dosage, benefits and side effects in this post. It’s also rapidly gained popularity as a nootropic for cognitive enhancement, particularly amongst students studying for college and university exams, as well as by those in high pressure jobs such as finance or web development. 

Modafinil was first synthesised in the 1970s and was approved for use in adults in the US in 1998. It’s often known by the brand names; Provigil and Modalert.


Modafinil Benefits

The most common nootropic uses of Modafinil are increased focus and attention span, a decrease in desire to procrastinate, and an improved memory. Modafinil provides users with a natural wakefulness for hours without the jitters and over the top energy of stimulants or amphetamines. Modafinil is often seen as a promising alternative to stimulant-based medicines for treating ADHD, due to its lower tolerance and addiction potential.

The mechanism for how Modafinil affects the brain is still not fully understood, but it appears that it raises histamine levels in the brain, promoting wakefulness. Modafinil also appears to inhibit Dopamine transportation, leading to an increased dopamine concentration in the brain. Dopamine is the reward-system neurotransmitter in the brain, increases of which are associated with; increased focus, goal-oriented behaviour, and increased motivation. When the Modafinil has left your system, Dopamine levels return to normal, reducing the chance of “hangover” or withdrawal effects.


Modafinil Dosage and Side Effects

Modafinil is a prescription drug in many countries and so access to it is restricted. Studies suggest that Modafinil is safe for normal dose ranges (50-200 mg per day), though users to build up a tolerance over time. Using higher doses to overcome tolerance could lead to negative side effects such as sleeplessness and mouth sores from a dry mouth.

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